April Birthstone: Diamond

Happy Birthday, April! The April birthstone is the diamond. In general, diamonds are remarkably simple in their color, they appear to be clear or white, yet they are able to refract light in a way that produces vibrant flashes of brilliant color, making them sparkle...

Shopping for a Diamond: The Four C’s

Does shopping for a diamond feel like a daunting task? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! At Diamond Castle Jewelers, we have Metro Detroit’s best selection of GIA loose certified diamonds, along with a staff with the experience and expertise to help you...

March Birthstone: Aquamarine

Happy Birthday, March! The March birthstone is the aquamarine stone. The name for aquamarine comes from the Roman word “aqua” (meaning “water”) and “mare” (meaning “sea”). If you can picture the stunning blue waters of...

February Birthstone: Amethyst

Happy Birthday, February! The February birthstone is the amethyst. The word comes from the Greek “amethystos”, meaning sober. In ancient Greece, the amethyst was associated with the god of wine. It is a member of the quartz family, and occurs naturally as...