Making Dreams Come True
Since 1902

Global Quality & Expert Craftsmanship
With a Hometown Feel

Choose shimmering loose diamonds, find exquisite bridal and engagement rings, or design custom jewelry that tells your story.

120 Years of Expertise
Families Have Trusted for Generations

Cras ultrices velit vel tortor tristique, ut laoreet diam faucibus. Vivamus auctor urna condimentum dui mollis bibendum. Suspendisse fringilla tortor at accumsan ultrices. Quisque placerat sit amet turpis nec convallis. Nullam sagittis, nisl vel rutrum luctus, turpis mauris cursus neque, scelerisque pretium augue est vitae felis. Mauris id scelerisque urna. Cras mollis eu velit id maximus. Nunc in turpis metus. Proin a magna dui. Pellentesque efficitur leo id condimentum pulvinar. Phasellus tellus urna, euismod sit amet porttitor et, ullamcorper sed turpis.

Donec vitae interdum neque, non rutrum arcu. Nullam molestie eget libero vel blandit. Etiam ac tortor vitae turpis scelerisque tempus a sit amet purus.

  • Quisque sit amet dui ac turpis imperdiet mattis.
  • Phasellus mattis dolor ut aliquam egestas.
  • Ut vel lectus sit amet mauris pulvinar sodales et a mi.
  • Curabitur imperdiet orci ac iaculis venenatis.

Global Quality & Expert Craftsmanship
With a Hometown Feel

Curabitur ultricies et libero eget facilisis. Cras congue pharetra hendrerit. Nulla vel nulla vitae lacus faucibus tincidunt vel in risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce porttitor posuere enim. Nullam auctor sapien vel ornare ultricies. Ut vulputate accumsan euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque faucibus tempor lectus, vitae pretium odio ultrices non. Curabitur tristique lorem quis risus tincidunt sollicitudin. Proin laoreet luctus est. Donec placerat sem a tincidunt vulputate. Pellentesque consectetur est ac gravida aliquam.

Donec fringilla urna quis dolor auctor ullamcorper. Ut venenatis ipsum ipsum, et pulvinar quam sodales ut. Donec a sapien nec sapien elementum commodo. Quisque semper sed felis vel imperdiet. Nullam lobortis quam nec commodo tempus. Vivamus scelerisque tincidunt velit, eu volutpat risus facilisis sed. Maecenas id maximus risus. Suspendisse vestibulum justo a blandit iaculis. Ut nec efficitur nisi. Aenean feugiat ultricies mi, vitae rutrum enim fermentum id. Quisque consequat quam et magna rhoncus, sed imperdiet nibh accumsan. Integer tempus egestas auctor.

Shop Your Favorite
Designer Jewelry Brands

Our showroom features brilliant displays from over 30 national and international designers, and we can custom order jewelry from virtually any designer around the world.

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Founded in New York, Artcarved has been manufacturing high-quality, uniquely styled wedding bands and engagement rings since 1850.



Founded in New York, Artcarved has been manufacturing high-quality, uniquely styled wedding bands and engagement rings since 1850.



Founded in New York, Artcarved has been manufacturing high-quality, uniquely styled wedding bands and engagement rings since 1850.



Founded in New York, Artcarved has been manufacturing high-quality, uniquely styled wedding bands and engagement rings since 1850.



Founded in New York, Artcarved has been manufacturing high-quality, uniquely styled wedding bands and engagement rings since 1850.



Founded in New York, Artcarved has been manufacturing high-quality, uniquely styled wedding bands and engagement rings since 1850.



Founded in New York, Artcarved has been manufacturing high-quality, uniquely styled wedding bands and engagement rings since 1850.



Founded in New York, Artcarved has been manufacturing high-quality, uniquely styled wedding bands and engagement rings since 1850.


Loose Diamonds & Custom
Jewelry Design

If you can dream it, we can design it. 

Our gemologists will help you design the one-of-a-kind ring of her dreams with stunning loose diamonds, gorgeous ring materials, and intricate settings. We can help you find the perfect diamond of any size, shape, and quality.

All of our pieces are customized in-house. Using state-of-the-art tools and technology, our jewelry crafters pay meticulous attention to every detail to ensure your ring meets and exceeds expectations. We also offer engraving, jewelry repair, stone replacement, resizing, cleaning, and more. 

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